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The 2017 St. John Festival

Marilyn & Rich

There's lots of fun to be had in the coming month on St. John!

St. John Festival is a month long event that starts with steel pan performances and pageants and builds up to the week of July 3rd (Emancipation Day) and the 4th (Independence Day). That final week is party time with the big events: village, food fair and the parade.

St John Festival Carnival Food Fair Costumes


Food Fair is the event for those who love to eat, drink and be merry. Thousands of people gather for food fair, in Franklin A. Powell, Sr. Park, St. John. Carnival food fair is sure to have fried fish, lobster, jonny cakes, shrimp, beef and salt fish pates, kalaloo, tamarind stew, mango and a whole assortment of other Caribbean delicacies.


St John's Festival consists of celebrations which showcase the best of the Caribbean culture. While each year has a different theme and somewhat different schedule, Carnival's month long activities always culminate on the 4th of July with a parade and evening fireworks. The heart of Carnival is the Village.


Beautiful costumes, great music and the wonderful energy and spirit of Virgin Island's people make the adults parade a success every year. The parade on St. John involves children and adults. Each theme performed by established troupes, some of which have performed in the VI parades for years.

QUEEN PAGEANT The grand opening of Carnival Village is the ribbon cut by the honoree, USVI governor and the Carnival Queen. The first St. John Queen, originally called Miss Independence, was crowned in 1960. By 1964 the St. John Festival Queen began to take shape with contestants asked to compete in fashion, talent and presentation segments.


With plenty to see and do, don't forget about your listening pleasure! Check out the schedule below:

St John Festival Carnival Musical Line-Up

Keep up with the schedule and happenings here:

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